Sean Ram January 2011

Wow January has flown by very very quickly. It has been a whirlwind month, returning from Christmas break, having two new students to get caught up and settled and best of all becoming a little more connected to the world. Before Christmas I had been informed that we as a class would be receiving our new web cameras, so that we may start to Skype with other classrooms and educators. From the screen shot it isn’t completely clear, but I have had to move my desk across the classroom. The new views allows my students to view the SMART board on the classroom, while the camera can be trained on them. The old location was not ideal. The class and I are looking forward to connecting and communicating with other classes and students around the world. A special thanks to @gcouros and @L_Hilt for their assistance and for Lyn introducing our new Literacy unit “Homophones”. For anyone that would like to connect please feel free to give me a call at sram.socrates (skype address).

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